
Seventies Party Games a Disco Era

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Every party that is based around a specific era is considered to be really interesting, because every participant has to represent the era through their costumes, their styles, shoes etc. Seventies era was known to be the era of change with rock n' roll, famous TV shows etc. So you can ask your guests to wear the costumes of seventies, which definitely will give your party an outlook of seventies. It is also important that you decorate your party on the theme of seventies so that for a moment everyone would feel that they have flown back in the seventies era. You can spice up the party with the Seventies Party Games.

What You Did In Seventies

In this Seventies Party Game, the guests are asked to share the different things that they had been doing in that decade. Every participant must be sharing the different events that they can remember and one by one they will share their part. This game will become really interesting with different people coming up with the exciting experiences in their life. It would be just like a story telling event by the fire and it will definitely absorb all the guests who will be definitely waiting for the next guest to share their part of the story.

Guess It Ladies

The Guess It Ladies game will require you to collect the different stuff from the era of seventies such as arts and crafts, and other things that were famous and well known at that time. You will then place all the stuff on the table and will pick it up one by one and the ladies are provided with pen and paper and they have to write as to what is that specific thing. The lady who is going to guess the most items right is going to be the winner of the Guess It Ladies Seventies Party Game.

Sometimes it becomes really difficult for an individual to come up with the party games and it is not a bad idea to consult a professional to cater the party for you. You might think that getting a party arranged can be really expensive but at least you need to check out as to how much it is really going to cost you rather than thinking on what you have heard.