
40th Birthday Party Games

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Often jokesters want to celebrate a 40th birthday with a basic black mourning theme but why not put a different spin on things with an upbeat selection of 40th Birthday Party Games. Unfortunately, the 40th birthday party is probably one of the first for which careful attention to special diets must be given by the hostess.

The good news though is that by the time a person has reached his 40th birthday he often has managed to accumulate a pretty good supply of games and/or athletic equipment. This will probably make it a cinch to organize a round-robin tournament of one kind or another. Let's say billiards, darts, table tennis or chess would make a good start to such a list. Hopefully, these will be games familiar to the guests making this fairly serious competition.

Be sure to indicate the nature of the 40th birthday party games on the invitations since some seasoned players will want to bring their own paddles, cues, darts or other pertinent equipment. Also it will be best to print off score sheets since round-robin is a fairly complex and confusing tournament style which is designed to allow all contestants to play each other in separate matches. These score sheets are arranged in a grid with the players names listed vertically to left of the sheets and their corresponding letter or number ordered horizontally. Overlapping points along lines and columns indicate match order. To the far right then are columns listing ""wins"", ""points for"", ""points against"" and ""standing"". Each player must keep his own scorecard and in general the winner of the tournament is the winner of the most matches. In the event of a tie a tie breaker match can be held in the 40th birthday game. The round-robin may be a very long process so it's important to allow enough time and start promptly.