
Sesame Street Party - Fun with Oscar and Big Bird!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sesame Street has been on TV for ever – a lot of young adults grew up with it and plenty of kids watch it now. A great educational and entertaining show, it is based around several recurring characters with particular types of personalities that teach children different things. A Sesame Street party is a great idea for a younger children’s fancy dress party since there are a lot of great characters to dress up as.

Invitation cards should not be a problem, with packs readily available at stationery or department stores. Food can also be varied and of your own choice, except that you should be sure to include cookies for the cookie monster and Ernie. As props, you can rent some puppets and costumes of Oscar the Grouch and Big Bird to use around the party room. You can make a cardboard cut out green street sign with Sesame Street written on it just like in the show. Put one in the foyer leading to the living room or just outside the door, or even both.

Find colored pictures of Sesame Street characters online and print them out. Cut these out and paste or hang them around the room and in the bathroom your guests will use. Add Sesame Street merchandise that is easily available in stores and games themed around the show. Kids will love and remember the great Sesame Street party especially if you can dress up as Big Bird and go around talking to or playing with them or handing around the food.

With a bit of creative flair, you can plan a Sesame Street party that your little ones and their friends will thoroughly enjoy. The variety of characters on Sesame Street means that the only limits are your budget and your imagination.