
Bat Mitzvah Party Games

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bat Mitzvah Party Games should be a mixture of active games for the kids and fun but sit-down games for the adults. I have a couple of great examples for you to use at your next Bat Mitzvah Celebration.

The first Bat Mitzvah game is called, ‘Word Association’ it’s a sit-down game and you’ve probably heard about it being used by doctors and therapists, but you can just use it for a fun activity that can just keep going until you run out of words. Besides you may just learn a little about your guests thought processes.

There are two ways you can play this fun Bat Mitzvah game. You can be the one to call out the words and your player replies with the first word they associate with it. Or for larger groups you can start with a word and the person to your left will call out the first word they associate with that word and the person to their left will call out the word they associate with that word and so on until the word gets back to you. This is just an interesting way to see how much difference there can be between the first word you give out and the words that are associated with it.

The next game is a standing game called, ‘Pass the Bat Mitzvah Parcel’. For it you’ll need music, a good prize and several bags or socks. Place the prize in one bag and place that bag into another and another until you have many layers for your parcel. The bigger your party's group the more layers you are going to need to make it fun.

Have everyone stand in a circle and give the wrapped parcel to one person. Then start the music and have them begin passing the parcel around the group. As soon as you stop the music the person holding the parcel gets to take off a layer. Then start the music up again. Keep this pattern up until the last layer is removed by the lucky winner of the Bat Mitzvah parcel.