
Dora the Explorer Party Games

Monday, May 28, 2007

You’ll want some really fun games for the kids and the adults to be your Dora the Explorer party games. To help with the search here are a couple of great games you can enlist for your party.

The first Dora the Explorer party game is called ‘Pack Hunt’. It’s a variation on the traditional hide and seek game. The object of the game, a tricky jaguar has stolen Dora’s pack and she and her friends must look for it. You’ll need to pick one person to play the Jaguar and one person to play Dora. Give the person playing the Jagaur a backpack filled with different kinds of prizes to make the game more interesting. Give the Jaguar a full minute’s head start to find a hiding place, and then send Dora and her friends out to look for the Jaguar.

If someone finds the jaguar they must tag the person playing the jaguar to freeze him/her. Then call for Dora the Explorer to come and get her pack. However, the jaguar can try to bribe the person who tagged him/her with something from the pack in order to be released before Dora comes and try to find a new hiding place. The only rule, the jaguar can’t give away more than two items to each person in a bribe. If someone accepts a bribe then they must drop out of the game and return to the main party area. If the jaguar can elude Dora the Explorer for a full ten minutes he/she gets to pick one or two really good items on their choosing from the pack. Divide the rest of the items evenly amongst the group. If Dora finds the jaguar and gets her pack before then, she gets to pick the really good item/s.

The second Dora the Explorer game is a fun scavenger hunt. You need to get a bunch of items similar to those seen on Dora the Explorer such as Dora’s boots and her pack, and hide them around the party area. Make a couple lists to give to each group and send them off on the hunt. Set the game for fifteen minutes and give a prize to the group with the most items on the list.