
Two Cool Pirates Party Games

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mates, these pirate party games are sure to be a hit amongst your guests. So scurry along and get planning.

The first of these pirate party games is aptly called ‘Treasure Hunt’. Before the party you’ll have to scatter a bunch of clues throughout the party area. An easy way do that is by writing the clues on pieces of paper and have them lead the guests from one clue to the next until eventually they find the hidden treasure. By the way a large bunch of foil wrapped chocolate coins fits the bill well.

Make the clues easy to understand so all the guests can help to look for the next one. For example: one clue can be a sentence like ‘Look for the next clue in the Land of Oz.’ If your guests are book smart they will know that Oz is an imaginary land in the book, The Wizard of Oz, and they’ll check out the bookshelf to see if there is a copy of that book on it. Inside the book you’ll have placed the next clue.

The next game is called ‘Desert Island among Friends.’ This is a fun game to play at your Pirate party when everyone has gotten tired of the treasure hunt. Have everyone break up into groups of three or four and designate someone to be the group leader. Give this person a piece of paper and a pencil. For yourself, make up slips of paper with a letter of the alphabet on each and put them into a hat.

Have each group leader create four categories; food, drink, clothing and shelter. Then you will draw one slip from the hat and tell all the groups to think of and write down kinds of food that begin with that letter. So if you draw the letter ‘B’ then they will have to think of foods that start with that letter such as, Bagels, Biscuits, and Berries and so on. Repeat these steps for each of the four categories with you drawing a new letter for each.

At the end have each group call out the items they thought up for one of their categories. The other groups have to strike those items off their lists if they happen to have them as well. Have each group read what’s left and have the other’s strike those items off their lists. Do this with each category. Finally, tell the guests at your pirate party that they have washed up on a desert island and the resulting lists are what they have left to eat, wear and shelter themselves with. Have the group leaders read out loud what’s left.