
Justice League Party Games

Friday, May 25, 2007

These two Justice League party games will help keep the guests interested at the party whether it’s a birthday party or a fun sleepover.

This first Justice League party game is called, ‘balloon battle’. You’ll need a lot of space for the kids and adults to run around in for this game. Give every player a blown up balloon tied to a piece of string and a rolled up newspaper. You can divide the group into two teams if you like, one being the villains and one the Justice League. Go ahead and use two different color balloons so players can discern the different teams. Each player ties a string around the balloon and the other end of the string around your ankle.

When the game starts each player tries to pop the other’s balloon and keep others from popping theirs. Set a time limit of ten minutes for the balloon battle and at the end of the time the team with the most surviving balloons wins the battle.

The second Justice League game is called ‘goodies and baddies’ is another balloon battle game. This time each team gets one balloon. Better make them each two different colors so the team doesn’t accidentally pop their own balloon. At your go each team has to keep their balloon in the air and they have to try and pop the enemy team’s own balloon.

Before you start this game its important to set some ground rules. Nobody can grab their balloon and hold it out of the other team’s sight. Teams can’t roughhouse with each other and everyone should try and play fair because the Justice league always plays fair.

The point of the game is to try and keep your balloon from being popped longer than the other team. If the game ends rather quickly you can always start right back up again with another couple of balloons. This game can go for as many rounds as you want.