
Hello Kitty Party Games

Friday, May 25, 2007

These two Hello Kitty party games are great for sleepover parties or just a fun Hello Kitty themed birthday party.

The first Hello Kitty game is called ‘feelers’. Before the party get a pillowcase and fill it with some Hello Kitty related items. These can be a stuffed kitty, a hair bow, cat food, a ball of yarn, etc. Then tie the top of the pillowcase so no one can look inside. Then at the party give all the players a piece of paper and a pencil. Have everyone take thirty seconds feeling the contents of the bag through the fabric. Then the players must all write down what it is that they think is in the bag.

You can have people read their guesses aloud for a bit of fun. And be sure to give the person with the most correct guesses a prize for their trouble. Maybe a tinkle ball? It does fit with the Hello Kitty party theme.

The next game is called, ‘To Tell a Truth’. Before this game starts tell each player to cut a longish piece of yarn from a ball of string. Then have everyone sit down in a circle. At this point you’ll tell them that they must wind a ball out of their yarn as they are telling some truthful stories about themselves. This can be a great way for everyone to get to know each other in the most telling details at the party.

They’ll quickly find that it’s hard to wind a ball of yarn and talk quickly so they’ll have to proceed slowly in order to get their task done. If the player stops talking to think they must also stop winding their yarn and as soon as they run out of yarn to wind they have to stop their story, no matter where it is in the plot. You can give a prize to the most truthful tale at your Hello Kitty party.