
Beach Parties for All Occasions

Monday, April 9, 2007

Summer, Sand, Surf, Seagulls, Seashells and Sunshine? Ssssso…it's time for a Beach party again! She may sell seashells down by the seashore or have a confining desk job but when the season's right it's time. Get out the grill or dig some clams, whatever the local favorite, the beach party is the best place in town to eat.

Some may complain about sand in their food but none of the guests will complain about the atmosphere because anything tastes better at the beach. Any budget will allow for a great beach party. If nothing else just pick up some food at the drive through and set up the volleyball net. Even when there isn't a volleyball game the surf provides the entertainment and the sunset provides the view.

Different public beaches have different facilities and rules of using those facilities so it is imperative to check with local parks & recreation departments before grabbing a picnic shelter that might already be reserved for another use. Many municipalities and states do have free reservation of shelters, tables and grills however. Some even have electric so that slow cookers or portable refrigerating coolers may be used.

Many parks have recreation centers or sports equipment rental so there shouldn't be any shortage of things available for guests to do on their own dime. If not then maybe it would be best to have guests bring beach balls or horse shoes. Some might even want to fish, snorkel or sail. It may be possible to schedule when another free entertainment like music, sailboat or balloon races are to be presented. Be careful to evaluate the parking first when this is the plan though!

Buy lots of beach party themed paper party goods to make any occasion better at the Public Park or private beach.