
Class Reunion Party Planning

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Much of a class reunion success relies on how well the departing class prepared before graduation. If class records were well documented then class reunion invitations go out more smoothly. If class pictures were well preserved then photo presentation can be prepared more easily for the class reunion. When a conscientious class president is elected then the class reunion is more likely to be planned and hosted.

The time to prepare for the perfect class reunion is before graduation. If like many of us those ducks weren't in a row we find organizing a simple class reunion to be a real head ache. Unfortunately, the task of finding people with whom the class has lost contact is the most troublesome. When families have moved from the area this task can be nearly impossible.

There are a few online sources which can help with this effort. Try just entering names of graduates into the search engine. Often addresses and phone numbers are readily available. Sometimes email addresses can be found on the internet too.

When trying to gather information to fill in information about the class since graduation, prepare a questionnaire. This is best e-mailed but ordinary mail will work well enough too. When enough questionnaires are returned arrange the information in a readable format with photos where they have been made available.

Renting a hall and hiring a caterer may be the most difficult tasks in planning a class reunion but there may be others. In some affluent areas it may be expected that the organizers of a class reunion contract a block of rooms for out of town guests to use. This helps since hotels book up quickly in many areas. It may be possible to rent a hotels' conference or party facilities and extend room discounts to classmates.