
Holiday Madness Simplified

Friday, April 6, 2007

In this day and age we all live the lives of fast racers! It often is hard to find the time to get everything done each and every day. Then when we are faced with a holiday we are really out of sorts.

We can make this all simpler, if we don’t have to host a holiday. But often we are caught doing it! If you take the time to prepare for the holiday a week or two in advance you will notice your tunnel has light at the other end. You won’t be caught off guard.

First, several weeks in advance, make a note of who is attending. This list is part of your holiday madness bible so to speak. Take the list and count on how many people and put a total at the bottom. You know this list like the back your hand and most times it will not change, and if it does, usually not by many.

Then take a paper and plan a menu. Holidays are somewhat telling of what you will have…Ham at Easter and Turkey at Thanksgiving. So write a dinner menu, include everything you plan to serve including the items you may want to bake ahead of time. From this list you can make your grocery list out. Remember to include your baking items as well.

Being that you know the holiday make a list of decorations that are needed. This should be simple. Most times we don’t decorate for the small holiday and for the larger ones we have everything.

Now you are probably asking yourself when you have time to make such list. Well there is no better time than while you are at lunch, you don’t need to sit long, and you can keep the list on a table and just add to it as you think of things.

By planning far ahead you will cut down on the stress and enjoy your holiday gatherings to the fullest extent!