
Holiday Parties in History

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Holiday parties can be indoors, outdoors, in rented halls, on private yachts or just about anywhere that people congregate. Things always go better when decorations and paper party goods are carefully chosen to represent the holiday and provide ease of entertaining.

Every civilization in history has assigned special significance to at least a few of these on a regular basis from the time that calendars were invented. People just seem to need to have holiday celebrations that commemorate events and persons of importance to the group.

Hence as soon as holiday celebrations were invented the holiday feast developed soon afterward. Then time off from work and eventually paid holiday schedules were demanded and that's the way things have stayed ever since. Now nothing on the holiday calendar is safe from the holiday party.

Sweetest Day, Secretary's Day, Grandparents' Day, or even Boss's Day are all celebrated in at least some traditional holiday parties. These parties take very similar forms regardless of which culture or holiday is under consideration. No one is likely to exit without a good laugh after a good, well planned party.

Here are a few elements of the great party:

• Invitations must be sent in approximately two weeks time frame from the date of the intended event.

• Decorations and paper party goods are to be purchased and appropriately placed in order to optimize the best aspects of the holiday to be celebrated.

• Food! Is always of optimal concern in order to provide the best opportunity to show a high degree of respect for the person or event to be celebrated.

• Games and entertainment are to be carefully planned and organized for the best potential enjoyment of every guest on the guest list.

Follow these simple rules and fun will be had by all!