
Hurrah! It's Graduation Time

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hurrah! Its graduation time and one of life's most jubilant occasions nears. No matter whom it is whether they are related, friends or complete strangers; we want to pat them on the back at graduation.

The class of 1957 still remembers that momentous occasion and one day the class of 2007 will be celebrating their 50th year reunion! Make some memories to last a lifetime with a festive graduation party or dinner. Take lots of pictures and put together a scrapbook that will jog their memories or just pass on the information to future generations.

Graduation paper party goods are the best way to decorate for this hybrid party: part formal, part informal. Guests are likely to be bouncing off the walls excited but still wearing new graduation garb so this is really a mixed bag from an entertaining standpoint. These festivities are likely to go on for the majority of the day so its best to make the kinds of party plans that keep fresh for long hours.

For instance, there are often early morning commencement ceremonies that are followed by a series of party hopping type activities. Even when commencement is in the afternoon there can be team breakfasts or other early day activities to stretch the day. It's best to have all foods and decorations assembled and ready to go because there simply won't be any preparation time available on graduation day.

If graduation day is during the warm months which it usually but not always is, then the foods and refreshments should be in keeping with refrigeration limitations. Jelly molds and ice cream cakes can melt while fresh fruits and vegetables will wilt when there isn't adequate refrigeration. Take time to clean out the refrigerator a week early in order to keep cool on graduation day.